
Wednesday 20 November 2013

Right Brain Education : My dilemma

Before having little J, whenever my SIL shared her learning/teaching experience on my niece, her sharing did not really imprint on me. My brother once said this "children's prime time is during their 1st 3 years!"  I can sense his urge to ensure her daughter well exposed on the 1st 3 years.

It all started when i have a visitor from Singapore. This mummy of 3 was sharing "right brain method" and she left a few big names with me. "Dr. Shichida", "Dr. William & Martha Sears". I just left there as well.

As when my little J growing up, I started to pay a little more attention on how to teach and what to teach, being a mother now.  I do felt the responsibility and burden to bring up my little boy in my best ability. I cannot recall the exact moment but it was like when baby J was few months old, I started to google on above subjects. I asked my SIL who has familiarized herself around these subjects. One lead leads to another. I got more curious each time i read. 

Where and how should i start?? I have no experience and baby J was my first born. That time, names like Sichida, Heguru, Glenn Domann, Tweedlewink were all over me. Fortunately Unfortunately these right brain schools only available in KL. Hot Mama (on right brain) took baby J once to a right brain baby class in Pulau Tikus. It was not impressive to me & hub too. Plus the timing and our little baby was just too small. So, we have decided no right brain class for baby J moving forward.

So, what's next? I was blessed to receive a hands down Tweedlewink Dvds. So started showing to my little boy when he was .... hhmmnnn... 6 or 7 months?? that was when he can sit. We did some e-flash cards as well. After a short period of time, I was losing the momentum. I have more fear of exposing him to any square box (tv, laptop etc) than what he can learn from it. So, i stopped the flash cards. Or i should say, i stopped when i completed the 12 sets of children flash cards from RightBrainEducationShop.  

Yea,, some of  you may think i am crazy, kiasu or overdo. Frankly, it's not that i am kiasu but i have fear. I am fear of being a failing mum. I believe in teaching the right thing at the time. I was told that 0-3 are their prime time, so.. I just have to try. I am not sure, i can only try and seek the answer myself. Afterall, the foundation of right brain method is all about LOVE.

During this process, i found LittleTigerGrowingUp. Go read Jessica's blog! There were so much i can share about her blog but you just go read yourself. I like her style. Her blog opens me up and lead me to many resources. Guess I have the same vision as hers for our little ones.

Moving forward, I will just follow her sharing as the lead for little J's homeschool. The more i read, the better i feel. At least i was not that panicky anymore. Let's take each step at a time. Be slightly patient and enjoy the process with my little precious. I need to confess I'm not a hardworking mum like Jessica. I doubt I will be able to carry out the amount of activities she had with little tiger with little J. But definitely I will just use her ideas often because i am LAZY!  Why should i stress myself further while i can leverage right??

P/S : Jessica, thank you very much!!

There are many wonderful blogs/resources out there. Find something that suits your needs. A lot of great parent/s did wonderful things for their kids. I just love the way they LOVE.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog! This information is more useful for the brain development of toddlers. Heguru Center provides complete education related to right brain training in Singapore to enrich and grow the child's brain in a nurturing environment.
